Monday, March 2, 2015

The total power of 420, the Yaris Hybrid R Concept Car

Recently, Toyota announced on September 10 to launch a Hybrid R concept car at the Frankfurt Motor Show. The concept car based on the three-door Toyota Yaris build hybrid system consists of a powerful 1.6L inline four-cylinder gasoline engine and two electric motors composition , this hybrid system total power up to 420 horsepower.

Hybrid system constituted
Front wheels are driven by an 1.6L inline four-cylinder turbocharged direct injection gasoline engine driven, this gasoline engine capable of 300 horsepower. In the rear axle, each wheel individually using a 60 horsepower motor drive, so that both the rear axle motor can reach 120 horsepower. In the standard Yaris hybrid will have two motors. Thus a calculation,T25 turbocharger the output power of the Toyota Yaris Hybrid R concept car hybrid systems up to 420 horsepower.

The output power is much higher than last year's Geneva Motor Show in March released Toyota Yaris hybrid version of the power (powered by a 1.5L gasoline engine ( maximum power output of 75 hp ) and an electric motor ( maximum power output of 26 hp ) , Integrated Output Power 101 horsepower, can achieve a maximum speed of 176 km / h, 100 km speed about 12 seconds ) .

Two motor Toyota Yaris Hybrid R concept car, a vehicle as a generator during braking to charge the battery, and can simultaneously provide power during acceleration of the vehicle along with the gasoline engine.GT3582 turbocharger While ensuring plenty of power but also have energy recovery.

GenShock suspension system can generate electricity

GenShock system consists of an electronic control unit , the generator and the hydraulic motor in which , with the difference that the CDC , the hydraulic motor to replace the original electronic control valves ,Renault clio 1.5 dci turbocharger not only can achieve the same purpose of adjusting the damping cylinder hydraulic oil flow can also be save the electronically controlled valve opening and closing require continuous power consuming , and maintain the original advantages of continuous active suspension damping characteristics independent adjustment of each round . When the vertical vibration of the vehicle , the damping piston telescopic cylinder , hydraulic oil prompted to push the hydraulic motor, a hydraulic motor driven generator, electrical energy stored in a battery which then , to convert kinetic energy into electrical energy , to reduce the damping piston cylinder telescopic purpose of generating heat dissipated . The larger the amount of motion of the piston cylinder damping, the greater the amount of power when the vehicle on rough road line, the greater the amount of power generation.

ZF indicates that this set of systems in the future will allow the vehicle both comfort and safety, but also can be applied to further improve vehicle energy efficiency, while relatively simple design also can reduce the cost of technology, so that the application of this system to a wider, as this when an advanced suspension system will be mass production vehicle specific energy efficiency will be the first to use the depot or Which currently is not yet have a clear answer.
Summary: recycling of energy, not sparing even the shock tube,GT2871 turbocharger it seems that designers are no less hard pondering saving issue. By turning the inner and outer wheel differential can be recycled this design concept here is really trivial , ah, people fight back and forth telescopic shock absorber tube , but the idea of recovering energy , energy saving automotive topics really want to dare to do ah.